July 29, 2000 - Map Information - Title: - Blindsided - File Name: jef2dm2.bsp Author: Jef "Poopy" Shockley URL: http://www.planetquake.com/konstruction Email: poopy@planetquake.com Description: Quake 2 DM map designed for either 1 on 1 or 3-8 player FFA. More players than that and you'll be lucky to survive... Other Maps: Makron's Well http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?konstruction/jef2dm1.zip Outpost 5 http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?konstruction/op5_2.zip Life's Too Short http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?konstruction/life.zip Toxicity http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?konstruction/Toxicity.zip - Play Information - Game: Quake 2 Single Player: Nope Co-op: Nope Deathmatch: Yup (5 spawn points) New Textures: No New Sounds: Yes - Construction Information - Base: From scratch Build Time: Way too long... Compile Time: QPSP: 23 sec. VIS: 2 min. 43 sec. RAD: 1 hr. 30 min. Editor used: QUARK 5.10 Compile tools: TXQBSP3, TIMVIS3, ArghRAD2.1, Q2Beaver Known Bugs: None so far. - Installation Instructions - Unzip the whole mess into your x:\ directory. Where "x" is the drive you have Quake 2 installed. Do this and all the files will be installed where they should be. There will be the zip file called "Thunderstorm" in yer root directory after you're done unzipping. Take this file and unzip the .tga and .pcx files into your x:\Quake2\baseq2\env directory. Again, "x" is the drive you installed Quake 2 on. WHEW...That's it! Have fun and happy fraggin' :o) - Special Thanks to the Following: - My wife for all her love and patience. Requiem for all his help and sage advice, and P@RaNoiD over at MAPPING for his excellent skies! And how could I forget Maric and Prophet. I'll always appreciate their input during beta testing :o) - Comments - WARNING! This map has some rather high r_speeds. It's not recommended for slower machines. Just thought I'd let ya know... On this map, I wanted to have some fun and see what I could do with some different textures, sounds, and skys. I get soooo tired of the standard Q2 skys... Well, one visit to the WadFather and my problems were solved! BOOKMARK THIS SITE... Once I got the sky, it helped me to establish a "theme", that being a Deathmatch on a cloudy, crappy day. Not unlike your typical day in Seattle :o/ And of course if you have clouds you must have thunder. Geez, it'd be like a day without sunshine without it. Uhmmmm...wait...I live in Seattle...we have many dayz without sunshine. Well crap, you know what I mean. I've also added textures from the "The Reckoning" mission pack by Xatrix. Excellent textures in there, give it a try on your next map. Anyway, enough of my useless babble, GET THIS PIG LOADED UP AND GO PLAY! What else are ya gonna do on a rainy day... - Copyright / Permissions - You MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of the author, namely me. You MAY NOT de-compile and convert this map in ANY way, shape, or form. Don't ask me, cuz you CANNOT do it. Also, this level MAY NOT be used for any kind of commercial product or CD compilation of any kind without explicit WRITTEN authorization from me first. You MAY distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, etc.) as long as you include this file, intact, in the original archive. You MAY download this map and run it on a public server as long as you let me know so I can come play, too. Ya never know, it just might happen. :o) Poopy