------------------------- CTF Skins for 'Guard' PPM ------------------------- AUTHOR: Rowan 'Sumaleth' Crawford (on top of the jaw-dropping work of Adrian Carmack) DATE: Early 98 sometime WEB: http://impact.frag.com EMAIL: sumaleth@frag.com Simply, two highly rendered CTF skins for the Guard plugin player model (PPM), including icons. The Guard (which was a baddie in Quake2) PPM can be downloaded from any of the PPM web pages, such as: http://bodyshop.telefragged.com/ http://www.planetquake.com/q2pmp These skins were created for beta testing PPM's in the official Quake2 CTF, however since the Guard PPM was never released with CTF, the skins never had any serious use. CTF skins are, of course, incredibly simple to do (ie. recolour several areas of the skin to red/blue and bingo!), but I put a bit more work into these skins than a simple recolouring so hopefully there's some value in releasing. I do realize the are probably other CTF skins packs for the guard PPM around. This is just another one. IMPORTANT STUFF These skins are an unsupported release. You cannot make money from these skins, nor can you publish them in any way, shape or form unless you are id Software. Most of the work in these skins is really that of Adrian Carmack, so copyright belongs to id Software.