Title: Missile! Filename: Missile! Author: Bob Sjollema Email Address: essjay@onthenet.com.au Credits: Id software for a terrific game Robert Duffy for Qeradiant. Ingmar and Flynn for play testing the map. Me. Play Info: single player - yes multi player - no co-op - no difficulty settings - no Construction: new map from scratch. Duration: Months Editor: Qeradiant (wouldn't use anything else)Version .72 Technique: I guess you could call it a unit, made up of 5 small maps. I built and played the map on a P200mmx, 80Mb RAM, Canopus Pure 3d. Known Bugs: None Authors Note: The ending to this level did not workout as good as I had hoped, but I was running out of ideas and patience:) The Story: The stroggs got their asses whupped, and have started the rebuild. The invasion interupted their research and development work on a laser missile design they were constructing to launch at the earth before the main force arrived. We only recently found the location of the newly built missile facility, and a small team went in to shut it down, but something went wrong. We do know the team managed to disrupt the missile transportation system, but we don't know how or where. We're not sure, but we think they are still alive. The last transmission we got from them suggested they would make sure a follow-up team gained entry to the facility, so keep your eyes open for any type of signal that they might have left behind. They have also managed to hide a number of weapons/items inside to help you, so look closely for any possible hiding places. We don't know if the Stroggs intercepted their transmissions, so be alert...they might be waiting....... Load Info: Unzip into your Q2\baseq2\maps directory, then start Quake2, pull down the console and type 'map missile' and you're in. Enjoy! Legal Shit: This map may be distributed by any means as long as it is free of charge, and this text file is included. It is not to be distributed in any way shape or form if the user is to be charged for it's use. This map and portions thereof may NOT be used in other maps without the express permission of the original author....Me :) Bob (aka Wheelbarrow)