If you want to report a bug or problem please fill in the form below and e-mail it to MrElusive@botepidemic.com Date: Name: Computer type: Processor type: Processor speed: Video card brand and model: Quake2 version (3.14, 3.20 etc): Gladiator bot version (0.8, 0.9 etc): map + position (if a custom map, where can it be found and what is it's zip name): number of bots: no of human players: duration of the game (approximately): describe the state of the game at the time the problem occured: console variables, deathmatch (0/1): rogue (0/1): xatrix (0/1): ctf (0/1): rocketarena (0/1): nochat (0/1): dmflags: if there were any error messages report them here EXACTLY as they appeared: describe the problem you encountered: if possible state how to reproduce the problem: