Release Notes for L-Fire CTF and L-Fire DM Version 2.0 Beta 126 --------------------------------------------------------------- These release notes only cover the changes between L-Fire 2.0 beta 125 and L-Fire 2.0 beta 126. Please refer to ReleaseNotes_v200b125.pdf for changes in L-Fire 2.0 up to beta 125. Bug Reports ----------- Please email bug reports to or you can post bug reports to the L-Fire message board: Support ------- Please DO NOT email anyone on the L-Fire team regarding 2.0 beta support questions as we're all swamped with mail and work, and unfortunately we haven't been able to answer all the mail that comes in. You'll have a much better chance of getting your question answered in a timely manner if you post to the L-Fire message board: Thanks! Bug fixes to both L-Fire CTF and L-Fire DM ------------------------------------------ - In any mode where a player can be on a team, but they're not in the game yet, such as level start countdown, matchsetup, or eliminated in overtime or intermision, the players on a team could fire the blaster and grapple. Thanks to [XcP]MiniDisk, William Wong, and Sentry for reporting the bug. The End -------