17/09/99 =================================================== Title: Magic Lamber : Power of Sewer Filename: lamber.zip (lamber.bsp - cemet.bsp - lamb2.bsp - lamb3.bsp - lamb4.bsp - lamb5.bsp - lamb6-.bsp - lamb7.bsp - lamb8.bsp - lamb9.bsp) Author: Mark Shan Email address: makeleve@tin.it - quakers@cybergal.com WEB URL : http://utenti.tripod.it/shanks/mark.htm Description: Single Player Level For Quake II Special Thanks: IdSoftware for Quake II, Virtus for DMM2 (editor used) Jay Aiken (jaaiken@ibm.net) for playtest and a lot of suggestions Stecki (stecki@terrafusion.com) for Env. map Scud(scud@aurum.net.au) - Bad Monkey (badmnky@rcip.com) -Azrknight (azrknight@planetquake.com) Bok Choy - Robert Halvarsson - Andreas Mann for prefabs Dragon(slo) (rjmtv@msn.com) and William Wood (www.daark.demon.co.uk) for prefabs and converting prefabs in .WLB format and anybody play this level =================================================== ----------------The Story (based on idea of Davide and Matteo Borlenghi - Text : Jay Aiken) From the bio-organic slime product from the core of Planet Volcano, the Stroggs extract energy for building and operating their final military technology: Magic Lamber, a colossal 10,000-ton robot with a nuclear gun whose potency is equivalent to a billion kilotons. The robot is indestructible in combat, and there is only one possibility of stopping the Stroggs' project before Magic Lamber becomes operational: the energy conversion system is unstable, and lacks refrigeration circuitry. If you can produce an energy overload, the ground under the mech could reach fusion temperatures and sink the robot into the slime and core of the planet. Here is your mission: try to crash the system by activating all available gigantic pumps at once. Very recent intelligence suggests that the Strogg are also experimenting with transporter technology in the area. Beware that they might use their experimental technology to teleport enemies into areas you have already cleared, in an attempt to hold you or to attack you from multiple fronts. Good luck... --------------INSTALLATION-------------- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of quake2\baseq2 called maps (i.e. c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run Quake II. Enter the console (press "~"), and type in "map lamber" at the command prompt. Extract the vlcno.zip file into a subdirectory of quake2\baseq2 called env (i.e. c:\quake2\baseq2\env) ---------------Play Information--------------- Level Name: Magic Lamber : Power of sewer Single: Yes Deathmatch: No ---------------Construction--------------- Base: New level from scratch Build Time: about 3 months Know bugs : some texture misalignaments, a bug of editor used. I apologize for that. ---------------Compile Info-------------- BSP compile time : over 150 hrs with vis and rad Editor(s) used: Deathmatch Maker 2 Compile machine : PIII 500 Mhz - 256 Mb RAM - Voodoo 3 3000 video card Test machine : PIII 450 Mhz - 256 Mb RAM - TNT 2 Ultra video card PII 266 Mhz - 64 Mb RAM - S3 Savage4 32 MB video card ---------------Legal Stuff------------- Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels(as long as you give me some credit). You may distribute this any way you like as long as you include this readme. If you sell this level for profit you MUST contact me first.This is not supported by any company whatsoever.